Sunday, September 2, 2007

New Template, New Post!

I changed the template, only because the polka-dots were bothering me. ((Plus, it delays the pending doom of homework.))

Today, I taught Sunday school with my friend Jennie, and it went pretty well. Our church meets at a school, so there was the ability to bribe the children with a trek outside to the playground, which was for everyone's enjoyment, believe me!

I had looked over my lesson on the computer, planned what I was going to do, and responsibly printed it out, so I was totally prepared. Except for the part when I forgot the printed-out lesson at home. I mean, don't get me wrong, I knew what I was supposed to teach, but I need the guidelines in front of me, people! Luckily, I had my handy-dandy iPhone, which, conveniently, had the email with the lesson, and the ability to view Word documents. I was saved by Apple yet again.

The kids enjoyed the lesson (as much as can be expected from a group of 5 and 6 year olds), and our Bible verse was:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
We played with Play-doh, made Dot Art, and little Bibles with our Bible verses on them, had snack, and went outside. I think we had more fun than the kids did. You should have heard me squeal when I saw the supply box.

After, when we were waiting for the kids to be picked up, I tried to keep them entertained, and, one by one, they went off with their parents, but not before each of them stopped to give me a biiiiiiig "Thanks, Teacher" hug.

I think that's why I love teaching Sunday school. That, and the neon-colored Play-doh. And the Cheezits-and-little-cups-of-water Snack doesn't hurt, either.

Filed Under: Just Rambling

1 comment:

Megan Cobb said...

Hee hee. Sounds like all the fun of motherhood without the dirty diapers and sleepless nights. And angst about how they'll turn out. Enjoy! I would consider it an honor to be on your blogroll. I have a beautiful, sweet niece named Olivia. She's 12 and a great writer. Maybe she'll follow in your footsteps. Hugs - M